Textbook (Foundations of Vision, 1995)
- Foundations of Vision: online Version
- Foundations of Vision (Zipped PDF chapters)
- Foundations of Vision (Amazon)
Google Scholar: Citations
Stanford Digital Repository: supplementary data and code
Publications by year
Limitations of 2-dimensional line-scan MRI for directly measuring neural activity.
Joshua M. Wilson, Hua Wu, Adam B. Kerr, Brian A. Wandell, Justin L. Gardner;
Imaging Neuroscience 2024; 2 1–18. doi: https://doi.org/10.1162/imag_a_00275
ISETHDR: A Physics-based Synthetic Radiance Dataset for High Dynamic
Range Driving Scenes (2024).
Zhenyi Liu, Devesh Shah, Brian Wandell
https://www.arxiv.org/abs/2408.12048 (under review)
HDR Light Group Driving Files
GitHub computations and source
Metadata, Instrumentation, and Netsplaining
Brian Wandell
Harvard Data Science Review. Issue 6.1, Winter 2024
Commentary on Dave Donoho’s article, “Data Science at the Singularity”
Visual Processing
Brian A. Wandell, Jonathan Winawer,
In Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology.
Elsevier, 2024, ISBN 9780128093245,
Deriving the cone fundamentals: a subspace intersection method (2024).
Wandell BA, Goossens T, Brainard DH. 2024.
Proc. R. Soc. B 291: 20240347.
GitHub computations and source
Online data
Reproducible Tract Profiles 2 (RTP2) suite, from diffusion MRI acquisition to clinical practice and research (2023).
Lerma-Usabiaga, G., Liu, M., Paz-Alonso, P. M., & Wandell, B. A.
Scientific Reports, 13(1), 6010.
Using Simulation to Quantify the Performance of Automotive Perception Systems. (2023)
Liu, Zhenyi, Devesh Shah, Alireza Rahimpour, Devesh Upadhyay, Joyce Farrell, and Brian A. Wandell.
Electronic Imaging, 2023, pp 118-1 – 118-8
Visual encoding: principles and software (2022).
Wandell, Brian A., David H. Brainard, and Nicolas P. Cottaris.
Progress in Brain Research 273.1 (2022): 199-229.
Elsevier Press, Ed. Manual Spitschan.
Measuring brain beats: cardiac-aligned fast fMRI signals (2022)
Dora Hermes, Hua Wu, Adam Kerr, Brian A. Wandell.
Human Brain Mapping 44.1 (2023): 280-294
Ray-transfer functions for camera simulation of 3D scenes with hidden lens design (2022)
Thomas Goossens, Zheng Lyu, Jamyuen Ko, Gordon C. Wan, Joyce Farrell, and Brian Wandell
Opt. Express 30, 24031-24047
Accurate smartphone camera simulation using 3D scenes (2022)
Zheng Lyu, Thomas Goossens, Brian Wandell, Joyce Farrell
IEEE Sensors, VOL. 22, NO. 20, 15 OCTOBER 2022
GitHub Repository for figure reproducibility;
Associated Dataset
Original arXiv (v2)
Principles and consequences of the initial visual encoding (2021).
Brian Wandell and David Brainard
To appear in “New Handbook of Mathematical Psychology“, Volume 3
edited by F. Gregory Ashby, Hans Colonius and Ehtibar N. Dzhafarov.
GitHub computations.
Simulations of fluorescence imaging in the oral cavity
Zheng Lyu, Haomiao Jiang, Feng Xiao, Jian Rong, Tingcheng Zhang, Brian Wandell, Joyce Farrell
Biomedical Optics Express, 12 (7), 4276—4292
BioRxiv version
Data availability here
ISETAuto: Detecting vehicles with depth and radiance information (2021)
Z. Liu, J. Farrell and B. A. Wandell,
IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 41799-41808
doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3063692.
V1 Projection Zone Signals in Human Macular Degeneration Depend on Task Despite Absence of Visual Stimulus (2021)
Y. Masuda, H. Takemura, M. Tera, A. Miyazaki, S. Ogawa, H. Horiguchi, S. Nakadomari, K. Matsumoto, T. Nakano, B. A.Wandell, K. Amano
Current Biology 31, 1–7
Population receptive field shapes in early visual cortex are nearly circular (2021)
Garikoitz Lerma-Usabiaga, Jonathan Winawer, Brian A Wandell
J. Neurosci 2021; 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3052-20.2021
BioRxiv version (2020, version 4)
Interpreting sensory and cognitive signals in the cortical reading network (under review),
Lerma-Usabiaga, Garikoitz; Le, Rosemary; Gafni, Chen; Ben-Shachar, Michal; and Wandell, Brian
A convolutional neural network reaches optimal sensitivity for detecting some, but not all, patterns (2020)
Fabian Reith and Brian Wandell
IEEE Access
arXiv link.(version 2)
Data-science ready, multisite, human diffusion MRI white-matter-tract statistics (2020)
Lerma-Usabiaga, G., Mukherjee, P., Perry, M. L., Wandell, B. A.
Scientific data
2020; 7 (1): 422
A computational observer model of spatial contrast sensitivity: Effects of photocurrent encoding, fixational eye movements and inference engine (2020).
Nicolas P. Cottaris, Brian A. Wandell, Fred Rieke, David H. Brainard
Journal of Vision
Simultaneous Surface Reflectance and Fluorescence Spectra Estimation (2020).
Henryk Blasinski, Joyce Farrell, and Brian Wandell
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
Soft-prototyping imaging systems for oral cancer screening (2020).
Joyce Farrell, Zheng Lyu, Zhenyi Liu, Henryk Blasinski, Zhihao Xu, Jian Rong, Feng Xiao, Brian Wandell
Electronic Imaging
A validation framework for neuroimaging software: the case of population receptive fields (2020).
Garikoitz Lerma-Usabiaga, Noah Benson, View Jonathan Winawer, Brian A Wandell
PLoS Computational Biology.
BioRxiv version (2020)
The human connectome project for disordered emotional states: Protocol and rationale for a research domain criteria study of brain connectivity in young adult anxiety and depression (2020).
L Tozzi and many others.
Neuroimage. Volume 214, 1 July 2020, 116715
Neural Network Generalization: The impact of camera parameters (2020)
Zhenyi Liu, Trisha Lian, Joyce Farrell, Brian Wandell
IEEE Open Access.
Date of publication January 9, 2020, date of current version January 17, 2020.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2965089.
arXiv link (2019)
Soft Prototyping Camera Designs for Car Detection Based on a Convolutional Neural Network (2019)
Zhenyi Liu, Trisha Lian, Joyce Farrell, and Brian Wandell
ICCV Workshop on Autonomous Vehicles
arXiv link.
Ray tracing 3D spectral scenes through human optics models (2019).
Trish Lian, Kevin McKenzie, David Brainard, Nicolas Cottaris, Brian Wandell.
Journal of Vision
October 2019, Vol.19, 23.
A system for generating complex physically accurate sensor images for automotive applications (2019)
Zhenyi Liu, Minghao Shen, Jiaqi Zhang, Shuangting Liu, Henryk Blasinski, Trisha Lian, Brian Wandell
IS&T Electronic Imaging Conference, San Francisco.
Replication and generalization in applied neuroimaging (2019).
Garikoitz Lerma-Usabiaga, Pratik Mukherjee, Zhimei Ren, Michael L. Perry, Brian A. Wandell
doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.116048 Received 18 December 2018;
Received in revised form 29 April 2019; Accepted 22 July 2019 Available online 26 July 2019
Reproducible Tract Profiles (RTP): from diffusion MRI acquisition to publication (2019)
Garikoitz Lerma-Usabiaga, Michael L. Perry, Brian A. Wandell (under review)
BioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/680173
BIDS-iEEG: an extension to the brain imaging data structure (BIDS) specification for human intracranial electrophysiology (2019).
Holdgraf, C., Appelhoff, S., Bickel, S. et al. iEEG-BIDS, extending the Brain Imaging Data Structure specification to human intracranial electrophysiology.
Sci Data 6, 102 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-019-0105-7
Psyxarxiv Preprint.
Simulation of visual perception and learning with a retinal prosthesis. (2019)
Golden, J. R., Erickson-Davis, C., Cottaris, N. P., Parthasarathy, N., Rieke, F., Brainard, D., Wandell, B., Chichilnisky, E. J.
Journal of Neural Engineering, ,
Optimizing image acquisition systems for autonomous driving (2018)
Henryk Blasinski, Joyce Farrell, Trisha Lian, Zhenyi Liu, Brian A. Wandell.
IS&T Electronic Imaging Conference, San Francisco.
Image Systems Simulation for 360 Camera Rigs (2018)
Trisha Lian, Joyce Farrell, Brian A. Wandell.
IS&T Electronic Imaging Conference, San Francisco.
Computational-Observer Analysis of Illumination Discrimination. (2018)
BioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/302315
Xiaomao Ding, Ana Radonjić, Nicolas P. Cottaris, Haomiao Jiang, Brian A Wandell, David Brainard
Journal of Vision
July 2019, Vol.19, 11. doi:https://doi.org/10.1167/19.7.11
A computational observer model of spatial contrast sensitivity: Effects of wavefront-based optics, cone mosaic structure, and inference engine (2018)
Nicolas Cottaris, Haomiao Jiang, Xiaomao Ding, Brian Wandell, David H. Brainard
Journal of Vision April 2019, Vol.19, 8
doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/378323
Diagnosing the Neural Circuitry of Reading (2017)
Brian A. Wandell and Rosemary K. Le
Neuron V. 96, Issue 2, October 11, 2017
Stacked Omnistereo for Virtual Reality with Six Degrees of Freedom (2017)
Jayant Thatte, Trisha Lian, Brian Wandell, Bernd Girod
Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2017 IEEE
In vivo evidence of functional and anatomical stripe-based subdivisions in human V2 and V3 (2017)
Serge O. Dumoulin, Ben M. Harvey, Alessio Fracasso, Wietske Zuiderbaan, Peter R. Luijten, Brian A. Wandell, Natalia Petridou
Scientific Reports 7: 733 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-00634-6
The visual white matter: The application of diffusion MRI and fiber tractography to vision science (PDF) (2017).
Ariel Rokem Hiromasa Takemura; Andrew S. Bock; K. Suzanne Scherf; Marlene Behrmann; Brian A. Wandell; Ione Fine; Holly Bridge; Franco Pestilli
Journal of Vision February 2017, Vol.17, 4. doi:10.1167/17.2.4
The field of view available to the cortical reading circuitry (2017)
Rosemary Le, Nathan Witthoft, Michal Ben-Shachar and Brian Wandell
Journal of Vision, April 2017 Volume 17, Issue 4
Occipital white matter tracts in human and macaque. (2017)
Hiromasa Takemura, Franco Pestilli, Kevin S Weiner, Georgios A Keliris, Sofia M Landi, Julia Sliwa, Frank Q Ye, Michael A Barnett, David A Leopold, Winrich A Freiwald, Nikos K Logothetis, Brian A Wandell
Cerebral Cortex, Volume 27, Issue 6, 1 June 2017, Pages 3346–3359
Simulating retinal encoding: factors influencing Vernier acuity (2017).
Haomiao Jiang, Nicolas Cottaris, James Golden, David Brainard, Joyce Farrell, Brian A. Wandell.
IS&T Electronic Imaging Conference, San Francisco.
Characterization of Visual Stimuli using the Standard Display Model (2017).
Joyce Farrell, Haomioa Jiang, Brian Wandell
Handbook of Visual Optics: Fundamentals and Eye Optics.
Editor Pablo Artal.
ISBN-13: 978-1482237856 (Taylor and Francis)
Learning the Image Processing Pipeline (2017).
H. Jiang, Q. Tian, J. E. Farrell, B. Wandell
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
Volume 10, pages 5032 – 5042
(Local PDF if you do not have an IEEE subscription)
Ensemble Tractography (2016).
Hiromasa Takemura; Cesar F. Caiafa; Brian A. Wandell; Franco Pestilli. PLoS Computational Biology.
12(1): e1004692. doi:10.1371/journal. pcbi.1004692
The posterior arcuate fasciculus and the vertical occipital fasciculus (2016). Pre publication.
K. Weiner, J. Yeatman, B. Wandell. Cortex. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2016.03.012
Clarifying Human White Matter (2016)
ONLINE AT Annual Reviews
PDF from Stanford
Brian Wandell.
Annual Review of Neuroscience Review in Advance first posted online on April 1, 2016.
DOI: 10.1146/annurev-neuro-070815-013815
Evaluating quantitative proton-density-mapping methods (2016)
Aviv Mezer, Ariel Rokem, Shai Berman, Trevor Hastie and Brian A. Wandell.
Human Brain Mapping, Version of Record online: 6 JUN 2016 DOI: 10.1002/hbm.23264
Simultaneous Surface Reflectance and Fluorescence Spectra Estimation (2016)
Henryk Blasinski, Joyce Farrell and Brian Wandell. arXiv:1605.04243 [cs.CV]
A Spectral Estimation Theory for Color Appearance Matching (2016)
Haomiao Jiang, Joyce Farrell, and Brian Wandell
Electronic Imaging, Color Imaging XXI: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications, pp. 1-4(4)
Computational neuroimaging and population receptive fields (2015).
Brian A. Wandell and Jonathan Winawer. Trends in Cognitive Science. Jun;19(6):349-57
(online) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tics.2015.03.009
A Major Human White Matter Pathway Between Dorsal and Ventral Visual Cortex (2015).
Hiromasa Takemura; Ariel Rokem; Jonathan Winawer; Jason D. Yeatman; Brian A. Wandell; Franco Pestilli. Cerebral Cortex 2015; doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhv064
PDF: Computational modeling of responses in human visual cortex.
Online: Computational modeling of responses in human visual cortex. (2015)
BA Wandell, J Winawer, KN Kay. In Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference (Edited by Toga) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-397025-1.00347-X
Evaluating the accuracy of diffusion MRI models in white matter. (2015)
Ariel Rokem, Jason D. Yeatman, Franco Pestilli, Kendrick N. Kay, Aviv Mezer, Stefan van der Walt, Brian A. Wandell.
Published: April 16, 2015 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0123272
Open arXiv: Evaluating the accuracy of diffusion MRI models in white matter.
A Lack of Experience-Dependent Plasticity after More than a Decade of Recovered Sight (2015).
Huber, Webster, Brewer, MacLeod, Wandell, Wade, Fine. Psychological Science.
Data management to support reproducible research (2015).
B. A. Wandell, A. Rokem, L. M. Perry, G. Schaefer, R. F. Dougherty.
ARXIV, Quantitative Biology – Quantitative Methods, Bibliographic Code: 2015arXiv150206900W
A spectral estimation method for predicting between-eye color matches in unilateral dichromats (2015abs).
Haomiao Jiang; Joyce Farrell; Brian Wandell
Journal of Vision September 2015, Vol.15, 20. doi:10.1167/15.12.20
D‐CIELAB: A Color Metric For Dichromatic Observers.” 2015
Jiang, Haomiao, Brian A. Wandell, and Joyce E. Farrella. “17.3: SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers. Vol. 46. No. 1. 2015.
Efficient illuminant correction in the Local, Linear, Learned (L3) method (2015).
Francois G. Germain, Iretiayo A. Akinola, Qiyuan Tian, Steven Lansel, and Brian A. Wandell.
IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference, San Francisco.
Automatically designing an image processing pipeline for a five-band camera prototype using the Local, Linear, Learned (L3) method (2015).
Qiyuan Tian, Henryk Blasinski, Steven Lansel, Haomiao Jiang, Munenori Fukunishi, Joyce E. Farrell, and Brian A. Wandell.
IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference, San Francisco.
An iterative algorithm for spectral estimation with spatial smoothing. (2015).
Blasinski, Henryk, Joyce Farrell, and Brian Wandell.
Image Processing (ICIP), 2015 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2015.
Image Systems Simulation
I2. 2: Invited Paper: Image Systems Simulation. (2015).
Farrell, Joyce E., and Brian A. Wandell.
SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers. Vol. 46. No. 1. 2015.
ISETBIO: Computational tools for modeling early human vision. 2015.
David H. Brainard, Haomiao Jiang, Nicolas P. Cottaris, Fred Rieke, E.J. Chichilnisky, Joyce E. Farrell, and Brian A. Wandell,
Imaging Systems and Applications. Optical Society of America, 2015.
A spectral estimation method for predicting between-eye color matches in unilateral dichromats.
Jiang, Haomiao, Joyce Farrell, and Brian Wandell.
Journal of vision 15.12 (2015): 20-20.
Image Systems Simulation (2015)
J.E. Farrell and B.A. Wandell Handbook of Digital Imaging (Edited by Kriss).
Chapter 8. ISBN: 978-0-470-51059-9
The vertical occipital fasciculus: A century of controversy resolved by in vivo measurements (2014).
Jason D. Yeatman, Kevin S. Weiner, Franco Pestilli, Ariel Rokem, Aviv Mezer, and Brian A. Wandell.
Proc Natl Acad Sci (USA). doi: 10.1073/pnas.141850311
Media: KUOW. Stanford. Guardian
Lifespan maturation and degeneration of human brain white matter
J.D. Yeatman, B.A. Wandell and A. Mezer (2014)
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 5:4932 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms5932 Github repository Stanford Reports SNI Report
Evaluation and statistical inference for human connectomes.
F. Pestilli, J.D. Yeatman, A. Rokem, K.N. Kay & B.A. Wandell (2014)
Nature Methods doi:10.1038/nmeth.3098 Published online
White matter consequences of retinal receptor and ganglion cell damage. (2014)
Shumpei Ogawa, Hiromasa Takemura, Hiroshi Horiguchi, Masahiko Terao, Tomoki Haji, Franco Pestilli, Jason D Yeatman, Hiroshi Tsuneoka, Brian A Wandell, Yoichiro Masuda.
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science October 2014, Vol.55, 6976-6986. doi:10.1167/iovs.14-14737.
A Predominantly Visual Subdivision of The Right Temporo-Parietal Junction (vTPJ) (2014)
Hiroshi Horiguchi, Brian A. Wandell and Jonathan Winawer.
Cerebral Cortex.
doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhu226. First published online: September 29, 2014
Gamma oscillations in visual cortex: the stimulus matters.
Dora Hermes, Kai J. Miller, Brian A. Wandell and Jonathan Winawer (2014, online).
Trends in Cognitive Science.
Stimulus dependence of gamma oscillations in human visual cortex.
D. Hermes-Miller, K. Miller, B. Wandell, J. Winawer (2014).
Cerebral Cortex. (Supplemental Material) Additional material requested by other investigators.
Diffusion properties of major white matter tracts in young, typically developing children
RT Johnson, JD Yeatman, BA Wandell, MH Buonocore, DG Amaral, C Wu Nordahl (2014)
Neuroimage, V. 88, pp. 143-154.
Automating the design of image processing pipelines for novel color filter arrays: Local, Linear, Learned (L3) method.
Q Tian, S Lansel, JE Farrell, and BA Wandell (2014).
Presented at the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2014, San Francisco, CA, 2014. Reference to
Proc. SPIE later. SPIE slide Presentation
Movie comparing RGBW and RGB images The side-by-side images show the L3 image pipeline developed for two sensors. On the left is a conventional RGB sensor, and on the right an RGBW sensor. The movie shows the L3 processing results at a series of light levels. You can use the slider to compare the renderings at different levels (the level is shown at the right; make sure your window is wide enough to see the cd/m2 level). The movie illustrates that RGBW sensor coupled with the L3 pipeline produces a substantial advantage at low light levels with very little or no loss at high light levels. Equivalent image quality is obtained when the light level for the RGB is 3.5 times the light level for the RGBW. Patent: Learning of image processing pipeline for digital imaging devices, WO 2012166840 A3
Spectral Optics Simulation for Rapid Image Systems Prototyping: Ray-tracing, Diffraction and Chromatic Aberration.
A Lin, JE Farrell, BA Wandell (2014)
Applied Industrial Optics: Spectroscopy, Imaging and Metrology, JW3A. 2
Distinguished Paper: Modeling Visible Differences: The Computational Observer Model
JE Farrell, H Jiang, J Winawer, DH Brainard and BA Wandell (2014).
Society for Information Display Article first published online: 7 JUL 2014 DOI: 10.1002/j.2168-0159.2014.tb00095.x
Speed discrimination predicts word but not pseudo-word reading rate in adults and children
Keith L. Main, Franco Pestilli, Aviv Mezer, Jason Yeatman, Ryan Martin, Stephanie Phipps, Brian Wandell.
Brain & Language 138 (2014) 27–37.
Quantifying the local tissue volume and composition in individual brains with magnetic resonance imaging. (2013).
Aviv Mezer, Jason D Yeatman, Nikola Stikov, Kendrick N Kay, Nam-Joon Cho, Robert F Dougherty, Michael L Perry, Josef Parvizi, Le H Hua, Kim Butts-Pauly & Brian A Wandell.
Nature Medicine. Received 12 October 2012; accepted 5 February 2013; published online 3 November 2013 Supplementary Information.
Online story. Stanford PURL: http://purl.stanford.edu/qh816pc3429 Comments in Faculty 1000 (Paul Matthews).
Kurzweil news article. Patent: Methods for detecting abnormalities and degenerative processes in soft tissue using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
US 20120197105 A1
Asynchronous Broadband Signals Are the Principal Source of the BOLD Response in Human Visual Cortex
J. Winawer, K.N. Kay, B. Foster, A. Rauschecker, J. Parvizi, and B.A. Wandell (2013).
Current Biology. Vol 23, Issue 13
Stanford PURL: Code and sample data: http://purl.stanford.edu/hj582pj3902
A Two-Stage Cascade Model of BOLD Responses in Human Visual Cortex.
K.N. Kay, J. Winawer, A. Rokem, A. Mezer and B.A. Wandell (2013).
PLOS Computational Biology, Volume 9 , Issue 5 , e1003079 Source code implementation
Compressive spatial summation in human visual cortex.
K.N. Kay, J. Winawer, A. Mezer, B.A. Wandell (2013).
J Neurophysiol (April 24, 2013).
Biological development of reading circuits
B.A. Wandell and J.D. Yeatman (2013).
Current Opinions in Neurobiology. Vol 23, Issue 2, April 2013, Pages 261–268
GLMdenoise: a fast, automated technique for denoising task-based fMRI data (2013)
Kendrick Kay, Ariel Rokem,Jonathan Winawer, Robert Dougherty and Brian Wandell.
Frontiers in Neurosci. 7:247. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2013.00247
Related resource: GLM Denoise web page for code and data sets.
Related resource: Denoise benchmark web page for method comparisons.
Human trichromacy revisited.
Horiguchi H, Winawer J, Dougherty RF, Wandell BA. (2012).
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Dec. 17. [Epub ahead of print] www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1214240110
Related resource: Software to produce the figures
Development of white matter and reading skills. Yeatman JD, Dougherty RF, Ben-Shachar M, Wandell BA (2012).
PNAS 2012 109 (44) E3045–E3053; published ahead of print October 8, 2012,doi:10.1073/pnas.1206792109
Squaring cortex with color Wandell and Chichilnisky (2012),
Nature Neuroscience, vol. 15, No. 6. Commentary on Horwitz, G.D. & Hass, C.A. Nat. Neurosci. 15, 913–919 (2012).
Plasticity and stability of the visual system in human achiasma Hoffman, Kaule, Levin, Masuda, Kumar, Gottlob, Horiguchi, Dougherty, Stadler, Wylnski, Speck, Kanowski, Liao, Wandell, Dumoulin (2012).
Neuron August 2012 vol. 75 pp. 393-401 See the commentary by Sinha and Meng
Connective field modeling
Haak, Winawer, Harvey, Renken, Dumoulin, Wandell, Cornelissen (2012).
Neuroimage October 2012 Epub ahead of print
Learning to See Words (online)
Learning to see words (PDF, pre)
B.A. Wandell, A. Rauschecker and J. Yeatman (2012). Annual Review of Psychology Vol. 63, pp.31-53.
Tract profiles of white matter properties: automating fiber-tract quantification.
Jason D. Yeatman, Robert F. Dougherty, Nathaniel J. Myall, Brian A. Wandell, Heidi M. Feldman (2012).
PLoS ONE 7(11): e49790. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049790
Anatomy of the visual word form area: Adjacent cortical circuits and long-range white matter connections
J. Yeatman, A. Rauschecker, and B. A. Wandell (2012).
Brain and Language [Epub ahead of print]
Position sensitivity in the visual word form area (PDF)
A. Rauschecker, Reno F, Bowen, J.Parvizi, and B. A. Wandell (2012).
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 May 8. June 12, 2012 vol. 109no. 24 E1568-E1577
See Position coding in the visual word form area. a commentary by R. Goebel
Digital camera simulation .
J. E. Farrell, P. B. Catrysse, B.A. Wandell (2012).
Applied Optics Vol. 51 , Iss. 4, pp. A80–A90
Optimizing subpixel rendering using a perceptual metric.
J. Farrell, S. Eldar, K. Larson, T. Matskewich, and B. Wandell (2012).
J. Society for Information Display. V. 19, pp. 513-519.
Anatomical Properties of the Arcuate Fasciculus Predict Phonological and Reading Skills in Children
Jason D. Yeatman, Robert F. Dougherty, Elena Rykhlevskaia, Anthony J. Sherbondy, Gayle K. Deutsch, Brian A. Wandell, and Michal Ben-Shachar (2011).
J. Cog Neuroscience E pub. May 13, 2011
Visual feature-tolerance in the reading network
A. M. Raushecker, R.F. Bowen, L.M. Perry, A. M. Kevan, R.F. Dougherty, B.A. Wandell (2011).
Neuron 71, 941–953, September 8, 2011
The Development of Cortical Sensitivity to Visual Word Form
Michal Ben-Shachar, Robert F. Dougherty, Gayle K. Deutsch and Brian A. Wandell (2011).
J. Cog Neuroscience .23:9, pp. 2387–2399 (E pub. May 13)
Imaging retinotopic maps in the human brain.
B. A. Wandell and J. Winawer (2011).
Vision Research, Volume 51, Issue 7, 13 April 2011, pp. 718-737. Vision Research 50th Anniversary Issue: Part 1
The neurobiological basis of seeing words (online). The neurobiological basis of seeing words (PDF).
B.A. Wandell (2011). Annals of the NY Acad Sci Issue: The Year in Cognitive Neuroscience ISSN 0077-8923
Bound pool fractions complement diffusion measures to describe white matter micro and macrostructure
N. Stikov, L.M. Perry, A. Mezer, E. Rykhlevskaia, B. Wandell J.M. Pauly, R.F. Dougherty (2011).
NeuroImage Volume 54, Issue 2, 15 January 2011, Pages 1112-1121
Problem of signal contamination in interhemispheric dual-sided subdural electrodes. George Nune, Jonathan Winawer, Andreas M. Rauschecker, Mohammad Dastjerdi, Brett L. Foster, Brian Wandell, and Josef Parvizi (2011). Epilepsia. v. 52 no. 11 e176-180.
Local Linear Learned Image Processing Pipeline.
S. Lansel and B. Wandell (2011),
in Imaging and Applied Optics, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2011), paper IMC3.
(OSA link)
Simulating imaging systems: Photons, parts and people.
Brian A. Wandell, Jonathan Winawer, Joyce Farrell.
Imaging and Applied Optics, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2011), 10.1364/ISA.2011.IMD2
Mapping hV4 and ventral occipital cortex: The venous eclipse
J. Winawer, H. Horiguchi, R. A. Sayres, K. Amano, B. A. Wandell (2010).
V. 10 10(5),1,1-22 Journal of Vision PDF version
Task-Dependent V1 Responses in Human Retinitis Pigmentosa
Yoichiro Masuda, Hiroshi Horiguchi, Serge O. Dumoulin, Ayumu Furuta, Satoru Miyauchi,Satoshi Nakadomari, and Brian A. Wandell (2010).
Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. October 2010 vol. 51 no. 10 5356-5364
Cortical maps and white matter tracts following long period of visual deprivation and retinal image restoration
N. Levin, S. Dumoulin, J. Winawer, R. Dougherty and B. Wandell (2010).
Neuron V. 65, pp. 21-31
Using visible SNR (vSNR) to compare the image quality of pixel binning and digital resizing .
J. Farrell, M. Okincha, M. Parmar and B. Wandell (2010).
Proc. SPIE Vol. 7537, 75370C, Digital Photography VI, edited by F. Imai, N. Sampat, F. Xiao, doi: 10.1117/12.839149
Plasticity and stability of visual field maps in adult primary visual cortex.
B. A. Wandell, S.M. Smirnakis (2009).
Nature Reviews Neuroscience, doi:10.1038/nrn2741 N.B. The Supplementary Material is incorporated at the end of the PDF.
Visual field maps, population receptive field sizes, and visual field coverage in the human MT+ complex
K. Amano, B. Wandell and S. Dumoulin (2009).
J. Neurophys. Epub ahead of print. doi:10.1152/jn.00102.2009 Supplemental Material
Congenital Achiasma and See-Saw Nystagmus in VACTERL Syndrome.
S. Prakash, S. Dumoulin, N. Fischbein, B. A. Wandell, Y.J. Liao (2009).
J. Neuro-Ophthalmology Volume. 29
Think global, act local: Projectome estimation with BlueMatter
Sherbondy, A. J., Dougherty, R. F., Ananthanarayanan, R. Modha, D.S. and Wandell, B. A. (2009). G.Z. Yang et al. (Eds):
MICCAI 2009 pp. 861-868
Two temporal channels in human V1 identified using fMRI
H. Horiguchi, S. Nakadomari, M. Misaki, B. Wandell (2009).
NeuroImage, v. 47 pp. 273-280.
Frontoparietal white matter diffusion properties predict mental arithmetic skills in children.
J. M. Tsang, R. F. Dougherty, G. K. Deutsch, B. A. Wandell, and M.Ben-Shachar (2009).
PNAS (USA) V.106, pp. 22546-22551
Dictionaries for sparse representation and recovery of reflectances .
S. Lansel, M. Parmar, B.A. Wandell (2009).
Proc. SPIE, Vol 72460D doi:10.1117/12.813769
Mobile Imaging: The Big Challenge of the Small Pixel.
F. Xiao, J. Farrell, P. Catrysse, B. Wandell (2009).
Proceedings of the SPIE Electronic Imaging ‘2009 Conference, January 2009 In Digital Photography V, Vol. 7250, 72500K,
Edited by Brian G. Rodricks, Sabine E. Susstrunk
Interleaved Imaging: An Imaging System Design Inspired by Rod-Cone Vision
M. Parmar and B. Wandell (2009).
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7250, 725008 (2009); doi:10.1117/12.806367 Electronic Imaging ‘2009 Conference, Santa Clara, CA, January 2009
What’s in your mind? Wandell (2008), Nature Neuroscience, vol. 11, No. 4. Commentary on Identifying natural images from human brain activity Kay et al., (2008) Nature v. 452, pp. 352-355
Colour vision: Cortical circuitry for appearance
Wandell (2008), Current Biology,DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2008.01.045
Commentary on Perception matches selectivity in the human anterior color center
Murphey et al., (2008) Current Biology v. 18, pp. 216-220.
V1 Projection zone signals in human macular degeneration depend on task, not stimulus
Y. Masuda, S.O. Dumoulin, S. Nakadomari and B.A. Wandell (2008).
Cerebral Cortex Feb. 3, 2008 [Epub ahead of print].
ConTrack: Finding the most likely pathways between brain regions using diffusion tractography.
Sherbondy, A. J., Dougherty, R. F., Ben-Shachar, M., Napel, S., & Wandell, B. A. (2008).
Journal of Vision 8(9):15, pp. 1-16. doi:10.1167/8.9.15 (PDF)
Identifying the human optic radiation using diffusion imaging and fiber tractography
Sherbondy, A. J., Dougherty, R. F., Napel, S., & Wandell, B. A. (2008).
Journal of Vision Vol. 8, no. 10, pp 1-11. [html]
fMRI measurements of color in macaque and human
Alex Wade, Mark Augauth, Nikos Logothetis, and Brian A. Wandell (2008) HTML:
Online at JOV Journal of Vision 8(10):6, pp. 1-19
Full brain coverage and high-resollution imaging capabilities of passband b-SSFP fMRI at 3T
Jin Lee, S. Dumoulin, E. Saritas, G. Glover, B. Wandell, D. Nishimura and J.M. Pauly (2008)
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 59, pp. 1099-1110.
A Display Simulation Toolbox for Image Quality Evaluation
J. E. Farrell, G. Ng, X. Ding, K. Larson and B. A. Wandell (2008).
Journal of Display Technology, Vol 4, No. 2, pp. 262-270
Invited Paper: A Display Simulation Toolbox
J. E. Farrell, G. Ng, K. Larson and B. A. Wandell (2008).
SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, Vol 39 No. 1, pp. 896-899
Visual Field Maps in Human Cortex
B. A. Wandell, S.O. Dumoulin and A. A. Brewer (2007)
Neuron, V. 56 , p. 366-383
Visual Areas in Humans
B. A. Wandell, S.O. Dumoulin and A. A. Brewer (2007).
Encyclopeda of Neuroscience Editor L. Squire
Specializations for chromatic and temporal signals in human visual cortex.
J. Liu and B. A. Wandell (2005)
J. Neurosci. 35(13):3459-3468
Population receptive field estimates in human visual cortex
Serge O. Dumoulin and Brian A. Wandell (2007)
Neuroimage. Volume 39, Issue 2, 15 January 2008, pp. 647-660 doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2007.09.034
Contrast responsivity in MT+ correlates with phonological awareness and reading measures in children M. Ben-Shachar, RF Dougherty, GK Deutsch, BA Wandell (2007). NeuroImage . v. 37, pp. 1396-1406.
White matter pathways in reading.
Michal Ben-Shachar, R.F. Dougherty and B.A. Wandell (2007).
Current Opinions in Neurobiology Volume 17 pp. 258-270.
Temporal-callosal pathway diffusivity predicts phonological skills in children.
Robert F. Dougherty, Michal Ben-Shachar, Gayle K. Deutsch, Arvel Hernandez, Glenn R. Fox, and Brian Wandell (2007).
PNAS, vol. 104, pp. 8556-8561.
Presentation at the Learning Conference in San Francisco: Reading Circuitry in the Child’s Developing Brain
Maps, Plasticity, and Reading (HBM Keynote, 2007)
B. A. Wandell.
Human Brain Maping (HBM, 2007)
NIPS Tutorial on Diffusion Tensor Imaging.
B. A. Wandell, A. Sherbondy and R.F. Dougherty (2006).
Neural Information Processing Society (NIPS)
Computational Neuroimaging; Color Signals in the Visual Pathways.
B. A. Wandell, S.O. Dumoulin and A. A. Brewer (2006). Neuro-opthalmol. Jpn. vol. 23 pp. 324-343
Computational Neuroimaging: Maps and Tracts in the Human Brain.
B. A. Wandell and R. F. Dougherty (2006).
Proc. of the SPIE-IS&T Electronic Imaging, vol. 6057, pp. 1-12.
Assessment of stimulus induced changes in human V1 visual field maps.
Liu JV, Ashida H, Smith AT, Wandell BA. (2006).
J Neurophysiol Sep 27; [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 17005617
No Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evidence for Brightness and Color Filling-In In Early Human Visual Cortex
Frans W. Cornelissen, Alex R. Wade, Tony Vladusich, Robert F. Dougherty, and Brian A. Wandell (2006)
J. Neurosci 26:3634-3641.
Laminar profiles of functional activity in the human brain
Ress D, Glover GH, Liu J, Wandell B. (2006).
Neuroimage. Sep 28. PMID: 17011213
Differential sensitivity to words and shapes in ventral occipito-temporal cortex.
M. Ben-Shachar, RF Dougherty, GK Deutsch, BA Wandell (2006).
Cereb Cortex . v. 17, no. 7, pp. 1604-1611 (doi:10.1093/cercor/bhl071)
Visual Pathways Overview Brian A. Wandell (2006).
Slides from the International Solid State Circuits Conference (ISSCC Color Forum). San Francisco, CA.
Optical interaction of space and wavelength in high-resolution digital imagers (2006).
Brian Rodricks, Kartik Venkataraman, Peter Catrysse Brian Wandell. Digital Photography II, edited by Nitin Sampat, Jeffrey M. DiCarlo, Russel A. Martin,
Proc. of SPIE-IS&T Electronic Imaging, SPIE Vol. 6069, 606904, © 2006 SPIE-IS&T ·
Visual Field Map Clusters in Human Cortex.
B. Wandell, A. A. Brewer and R.F. Dougherty (2005).
Phil. Trans. of the Royal Society London, vol. 360, pp. 693-707
Visual field maps and stimulus selectivity in human ventral occipital cortex.
Brewer AA, Liu J, Wade AR, Wandell BA (2005). Nat Neurosci, vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 1102-9.
Corrigendum: Nat. Neurosci (2005) vol 8. no 10, pp. 1411. The discussion section contains an incorrect citation. In the 3rd paragraph on page 1107, “Tootell et al.16 (subsequent to Halgren et al.)” should read: “Tootell et al.16 (subsequent to Hadjikhani et al.)”. The authors regret the error.
Lack of long-term cortical reorganization after macaque retinal lesions.
Stelios M. Smirnakis Alyssa A. Brewer, Michael C. Schmid, Andreas S. Tolias, Almut Schüz, Mark Augath, Werner Inhoffen, Brian A. Wandell and Nikos K. Logothetis (2005).
Nature. vol. 435, 19 May, (doi: 10.1038/nature03495) News and Views by M. I. Sereno (Nature vol. 435, pp. 288-289 (19 May 2005) | doi: 10.1038/435288a ) Exchange of views with Calford et al. (Nature, vol. 438, no. 10, p. E3)
Occipital-Callosal pathways in children: Validation and atlas development
Robert F. Dougherty, Michal Ben-Shachar, Gayle Deutsch, Polina Potanina, Roland Bammer, Brian Wandell (December, 2005)
Annals of the NY Academy of Sciences , Volume 1064, pp. 98-112.
Functional organization of human occipital-callosal fiber tracts
Robert F. Dougherty, Michal Ben-Shachar, Roland Bammer, Alyssa Brewer, Brian Wandell (2005).
PNAS, vol. 102, no. 20, pp. 7350-7355.
Specializations for chromatic and temporal signals in human visual cortex.
J. Liu and B. A. Wandell (2005)
J. Neurosci. 35(13):3459-3468
Cone signal interactions in direction-selective neurons. HTML: Journal of Vision (V 5 No. 7 Article 1, 2005) C. L. Barberini, M. R. Cohen, B. A. Wandell and W. T. Newsome (2005) Matlab scripts and Image System Engineering Tools (ISET-1.0) from ImagEval
Journal of Vision.
Predominantly extra-retinotopic cortical response to pattern symmetry.
Christopher W. Tyler, Heidi A. Baseler, Leonid L. Kontsevich, Lora T. Likova, Alex R. Wade and Brian A. Wandell (2005).
Neuroimage 24, pp. 306-314.
Children’s Reading Performance is Correlated with White Matter Structure Measured by Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Gayle K. Deutsch, Robert F. Dougherty, Roland Bammer, Wai Ting Siok, John D.E. Gabrieli, Brian Wandell (2005).
Cortex, vol. 41, pp. 354-363.
Roadmap for CMOS image sensors: Moore meets Planck and Sommerfeld
Peter B. Catrysse and Brian A. Wandell (2005).
In Proceedings of the SPIE Electronic Imaging ‘2005 Conference, vol. 5678, p. 1-13, Digital Photography, Eds. Sampat, DiCarlo and Motta San Jose, CA.
Integrating Lens Design with Digital Camera Simulation.
P. Maeda, P. Catrysse, B. Wandell (2005).
In Proceedings of the SPIE Electronic Imaging ‘2005 Conference, Santa Clara, CA, January 2005
Psychophysical thresholds and digital camera sensitivity: the thousand photon limit.
F. Xiao, J. Farrell and B. Wandell (2005).
Proc. SPIE vol. 5678, p. 75-84, Digital Photography; Sampat, DiCarlo and Motta (Eds.) Santa Clara, CA, January 2005
Interpreting the BOLD Signal.
N. Logothetis and B. Wandell (2004).
Annual Review of Physiology. January 2004, vol. 66, pp. 735-769 Personal commentary
Exploration of the Brain’s White Matter Pathways with Dynamic Queries.
David Akers, Anthony Sherbondy, Rachel Mackenzie, Robert Dougherty, Brian Wandell (2004)
In Proceedings IEEE Visualization, pages 377-384, October 2004. Related software and further demonstrations.
Exploration of the Brain’s White Matter Pathways with Dynamic Queries.
Anthony Sherbondy, David Akers, Rachel Mackenzie, Robert Dougherty, Brian Wandell. (2004).
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
Measuring activity and structure in the human brain.
Brian A. Wandell, Robert F. Dougherty, Alyssa Brewer, Michal Ben-Shachar,Roland Bammer, Gayle Deutsch (2004).
SIAM News. Vol 37 Number 7.
A simulation tool for evaluating digital camera image quality.
J. E. Farrell, F. Xiao, P. Catrysse, B. Wandell (2004).
Proc. SPIE vol. 5294, p. 124-131, Image Quality and System Performance, Miyake and Rasmussen (Eds). January 2004
Functional imaging of the visual pathways..
B. Wandell and A. Wade (2003).
Neurologic Clinics. May 2003, vol. 21, pp. 417-43 .
Visual field representations and locations of visual areas V1/2/3 in human visual cortex (HTML), (PDF)
R. F. Dougherty, V. M. Koch, A. A. Brewer, B. Fischer, J. Modersitzki and B. A. Wandell (2003).
Journal of Vision, 3(10),586-598, DOI 10.1167/3.10.1. (See correction to table.)
Long-term deprivation affects visual perception and cortex.
Fine I, Wade AR, Brewer AA, May MG, Goodman DF, Boynton GM, Wandell BA, MacLeod DI (2003).
Nature Neuroscience 6(9) pp. 915-916 News and Views by R.L. Gregory.
Digital Color Reproduction
Wandell and Silverstein (2003)
The Science of Color 2nd edition, Ed. S. Shevell, published by the Optical Society of America.
Spectral estimation theory: beyond linear but before Bayesian .
DiCarlo JM, Wandell BA (2003).
J. Opt Soc Am A Jul;20(7):1261-70.
Integrated color pixels in 0.18-um complementary metal oxide semiconductor technology
P. Catrysse and B. Wandell (2003). JOSA A vol. 20, No. 12, 2293-2306.
Color Estimation Error Trade-offs
U. Barnhofer, J. DiCarlo, Ben Olding and B. Wandell (2003).
Proc. SPIE vol. 5017, Santa Clara, CA, January 2003, San Jose
Preferred Color Spaces for White Balancing
F. Xiao, J. Farrell, J. DiCarlo and B. Wandell (2003).
In Proceedings of the SPIE Electronic Imaging ‘2003 Conference, vol. 5017, Santa Clara, CA, January 2003 , San Jose
Visual areas in macaque cortex measured using functional magnetic resonance imaging
A. A. Brewer, W. A. Press, N. K. Logothetis, and B. A. Wandell (2002)
J. Neurosci. 22(23) pp. 10416-10426
Reorganization of human cortical maps caused by inherited photoreceptor abnormalities
Heidi A. Baseler, Alyssa A. Brewer, Lindsay T. Sharpe, Antony B. Morland , Herbert Jägle and Brian A. Wandell (2002).
Nature Neuroscience, Apr;5(4):364-70.
Chromatic Light Adaptation Measured using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
A. R. Wade and Brian A. Wandell (2002).
J. Neurosci, 22 (18):8148-8157
Functional Measurements of Human Ventral Occipital Cortex: Retinotopy and Color.
A. R. Wade, A. Brewer, and Brian A. Wandell (2002).
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Series B. (London) Vol: 357 No. 1424 pp. p963- p973
Common Principles of Image Acquisition Systems and Biological Vision
B. A. Wandell, A. El Gamal, and B. Girod, (2002),
Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 90, Issue 1, pp. 5-17. The figure resolution in the preprint is better.
Illuminant estimation of natural scenes using the sensor correlation method.
S. Tominaga, A. Ishida, and B. A. Wandell (2002).
Proceedings of the IEEE. 9th Congress of the International Colour Association vol. 4421, pp. 918-921.
Natural scene-illuminant estimation using the sensor correlation.
S. Tominaga and B. A. Wandell (2002).
Proceedings of the IEEE. vol. 90, Issue 1, pp. 42-56.
Optical efficiency of image sensor pixels
P. B. Catrysse and B. A. Wandell (2002).
JOSA A, vol. 19, No. 8, pp. 1610-1620
Experimental high speed cmos image sensor system and applications
Ali Ozer Ercan, Feng Xiao, Xinqiao Liu, Suk Hwan Lim, Abbas El Gamal and Brian Wandell (2002).
IEEE Sensors.
High Dynamic Range Imaging of Natural Scenes .
F. Xiao, J. DiCarlo, P. Catrysse and B. Wandell
In Tenth Color Imaging Conference: Color Science, Systems, and Applications, 2002. Scottsdale, AZ.
Visual Areas and Spatial Summation in Human Visual Cortex
Press, Brewer, Dougherty, Wade and Wandell (2001).
Vision Research, v 41, pp. 1321-1332
Abnormal retinotopic representations in human visual cortex revealed by fMRI.
Morland AB, Baseler HA, Hoffmann MB, Sharpe LT, Wandell BA. (2001).
Acta Psychol (Amst) Apr; 107(1-3):229-47
Illuminating Illumination.
Jeffrey M. DiCarlo, Feng Xiao and Brian A Wandell,
Ninth Color Imaging Conference, pgs. 27-34, 2001. (see related work from Georg Petschnigg and colleagues at Microsoft).
Scene illuminant classification: brighter is better click here to see {Color figures} .
S. Tominaga, S. Ebisui, and B. A. Wandell (2001).
JOSA A, vol 18, no. 1 pp. 55-64.
An integrated color pixel in 0.18 um CMOS technology.
P. Catrysse, A. El Gamal and B. A. Wandell (2001).
Proceedings of the IEDM, IEDM-01-559, Published by the IEEE. Washington D.C., 2001.
Image analysis using modulated light sources
F. Xiao, J. M. DiCarlo, P. B. Catrysse and B. A. Wandell (2001).
Proceedings of the SPIE, Image Sensors. vol. 4306, pp. 22-30, San Jose, CA January 2001
Color Spaces and Metrics
K-H. Bauml, X. Zhang, and B. Wandell (2001).
In Vision Models and Applications to Image and Video Processing. Edited by C. J. van den Branden Lambrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Computational Neuroimaging: Color Representations and Processing. B. Wandell (2000). The New Cognitive Neurosciences Editor, Michael Gazzaniga. MIT Press, pp. 291-304. (The file here is a PDF pre-print).
Computational Neuroimaging: Color tuning in two human cortical areas measured using fMRI. Wandell, Baseler, Boynton and Engel (2000). Color Vision: From Molecular Genetics to Perception. Ed. K. Gegenfurtner and L. T. Sharpe, Cambridge University Press.
Visualization and Measurement of the Cortical Surface. B. Wandell, S. Chial and B. Backus (2000). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, vol. 12, no. 5. pp. 739-52. This paper describes the methods used in the unfolding software that we distribute (see below). It also provides an overview of the principles, problems, and related methods that can be found at other sites.
Illuminant Estimation: Beyond the Bases J. M. DiCarlo and B. A. Wandell (2000). Eighth Color Imaging Conference, pgs. 91-96, Scottsdale, AZ, USA
How Small Should Pixel Size Be? Chen, Catrysse, El Gamal, Wandell, (2000).Proceedings of the SPIE, Image Sensors. Vol 3965, San Jose, CA January 2000
Rendering high dynamic range images J. M. DiCarlo and B. A. Wandell, (2000). Proceedings of the SPIE, Image Sensors. Vol 3965, pgs. 392-401, San Jose, CA January 2000
Color Appearance and the Digital Imaging Pipeline Wandell (2000). International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Barcelona, Spain.
Computational Neuroimaging of Human Visual Cortex. B. Wandell (1999). Computational Neuroimaging of Human Visual Cortex. Annual Review of Neuroscience vol. 10 no. 22, pp. 145-173.
Topographic Organization of Human Visual Areas in the Absence of Input from Primary Cortex. Heidi A. Baseler, Antony B. Morland, and Brian A. Wandell. J. Neurosci. 1999 19: 2619-2627.
Perceived speed of colored stimuli. R. F. Dougherty, William A. Press, Brian A. Wandell (1999). Neuron, Vol 24 893-899.
Color signals in human motion selective cortex. B. A. Wandell, Allen B. Poirson, William T. Newsome, Heidi Baseler, Geoffrey Boynton, Alex Huk, Sunil Ghandi and Lindsay T. Sharpe (1999). Neuron, vol. 24, 901-909.
Color signals in are MT of the macaque monkey. E. Seidemann, A. B. Poirson, B. A. Wandell, W. T. Newsome (1999). Neuron, vol. 24 911-917.
Trichromatic Opponent Color Classification E.J. Chichilnisky and B. A. Wandell (1999). Vision Research , vol. 39, no. 20, pp. 3444-58.
Estimating Spectral Reflectance of Art Work Farrell, Saunders, Cuppitt, Wandell (1999). Chiba Conference on Multispectral Imaging.
Multiple Capture Single Image with a CMOS Sensor Wandell, Catrysse, DiCarlo, Yang, El Gamal (1999). Chiba Conference on Multspectral Imaging, pgs. 11-17.
Comparative analysis of color architectures for image sensors Catrysse, Wandell, and El Gamal, (1999). Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol 3650, San Jose, CA
Extrastriate visual signals in the absence of striate cortex in a human hemianope Baseler, Morland and Wandell (1998). NeuroImage Human Brain Mapping Meeting Abstract.
Color Image Fidelity Metrics Evaluated Using Image Distortion Maps Zhang and Wandell (1998). Signal Processing, vol. 70, no 3 p. 201-214.
Retinotopic organization in human visual cortex and the spatial precision of functional MRI Engel, Glover and Wandell (1997). Cerebral Cortex, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 181-92.
Color tuning in human visual cortex measured using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Engel, Zhang and Wandell (1997). Nature, July 3, vol. 388, no. 6637. The brief Nature paper did not provide an adequate description of the spatial properties of the stimulus, whose diameter subtended 20 deg of visual angle.
Creating Connected Representations of Cortical Gray Matter for Functional MRI Visualization P. Teo, G. Sapiro and B. Wandell (1997). IEEE Med. Transactions, vol. 16 (6), 852-863. This paper describes the algorithm for obtaining a segmented and connected gray matter representation from T1 weighted MR images. The algorithm is implemented in the software package we distribute (see below).
Image Distortion Maps Zhang, Setiawan and Wandell, (1997) Proceedings of the Fifth Color Imaging Conference, IS&T, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Applications of a spatial extension to CIELAB Zhang, Farrell and Wandell (1997). Proceedings of the SPIE
Color image quality metric S-CIELAB and its application to halftone texture visibility Zhang, Silverstein, Farrell and Wandell (1997). IEEE Compcon 97.
Seeing gray through the ON- and OFF- pathways. E.J. Chichilnisky and B.A. Wandell (1996). Visual Neuroscience, vol. 13, pp. 591-596.
Color appearance of mixture gratings. K-H Baeuml and B. Wandell (1996). Vision Research, , vol. 36, no. 18, pp.2849-2864.
Pattern-color separable pathways predict sensitivity to simple colored patterns Poirson and Wandell (1996). Vision Research, vol. 36, no. 4, 515-526
A spatial extension of CIELAB for digital color reproduction Zhang and Wandell (1996), Proceedings of the SID Symposiums, pp. 731–734
Image Systems Engineering at Stanford Goodman and Wandell (1996) International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP).
Photoreceptor sensitivity changes explain color appearance shifts induced by large uniform backgrounds in dichoptic matching.
E.J. Chichilnisky and B.A. Wandell (1995). Vision Research, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 239-254.
SID Color Tutorial Notes (SID Class Notes, given last around 1994.).
Functional magnetic resonance imaging of human visual cortex Engel, Rumelhart, Wandell, Lee, Shadlen, and Glover (1994). Nature, June 16. vol. 369, p. 525.
Matching color images: the effects of chromatic aberration Marimont and Wandell (December 1994). JOSA A, vol. 11 Issue 12 Page 3113.
Color appearance in images: Measurements and Musings Wandell and Chichilnisky, (1994). Proceedings of the Second Color Imaging Conference, IS&T, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Color appearance: The effects of illumination and spatial resolution Wandell (1993). Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., USA, v 90, p. 1494-1501.
Appearance of colored patterns: pattern-color separability Allen B. Poirson, Brian A. Wandell (December 1993). JOSA A, vol. 10 Issue 12 Page 2458-2470
Water into Wine: Converting Scanner RGB to Tristimulus XYZ. Wandell and Farrell (1993). Proceedings of the SPIE, San Jose
Linear models of surface and illuminant spectra
David H. Marimont, Brian A. Wandell, JOSA A, vol. 9 Issue 11 Page 1905 (November 1992)
Asymmetric color matching: how color appearance depends on the illuminant
David H. Brainard, Brian A. Wandell (September 1992). JOSA A, vol. 9 Issue 9 Page 1433
A Bilinear model of the illuminant’s effect on color appearance.
D. H. Brainard and Brian A. Wandell (1991).
In Computational models of visual processing, Ed. M.S. Landy and J. A. Movshon
Estimation of surface spectral reflectance of inhomogeneous objects (1990)
Shoji Tominaga, Brian A. Wandell.
Proc. SPIE 1260, Sensing and Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Objects and Scenes, (1 January 1990);
doi: 10.1117/12.20009
Component estimation of surface spectral reflectance
Shoji Tominaga, Brian A. Wandell, JOSA A, vol. 7 Issue 2 Page 312 (February 1990)
Surface characterizations of color thresholds
Allen B. Poirson, Brian A. Wandell, Denise C. Varner, David H. Brainard (1990). JOSA A, vol. 7 Issue 4 Page 783 (April 1990)
Task-dependent color discrimination
Allen B. Poirson, Brian A. Wandell, JOSA A, vol. 7 Issue 4 Page 776 (April 1990)
Standard surface-reflectance model and illuminant estimation
Shoji Tominaga, Brian A. Wandell, JOSA A, vol. 6 Issue 4 Page 576 (April 1989)
Discrete analysis of spatial-sensitivity models
Kenneth R. K. Nielsen, Brian A. Wandell (1988), JOSA A, vol. 5 Issue 5 Page 743 (May 1988)
Synthesis and analysis of color signals
Brian A. Wandell, IEEE PAMI, vol. 9, p. 2-13.
Analysis of the retinex theory of color vision
David H. Brainard, Brian A. Wandell (October 1986). JOSA A, vol. 3 Issue 10 Page 1651
Color constancy: a method for recovering surface spectral reflectance
Laurence T. Maloney, Brian A. Wandell (January 1986). JOSA A, vol. 3 Issue 1 Page 29
Color measurement and discrimination.
Brian A. Wandell (1985). JOSA A, vol. 2 Issue 1 Page 62-71
Measurement of Small Color Differences
Brian A. Wandell (1982), Psych Review, v. 89, no. 3, 281-302.
The Beginnings of Visual Perception: the retinal image and its initial encoding
Yellott, Cornsweet and Wandell (1980), Handbook of Physiology – The Nervous System III, Chapter 7 , p. 257- 316
Wandell and Pugh (1980). Vision Research, Vol. 20, pp. 613-624.
Wandell and Pugh (1980). Vision Research Vol. 20, pp. 625-636.
On the analysis of nerve signals deduced from metacontrast experiments with human observers
Brian A. Wandell, J. Physiol., (1976), 263, pp. 321-329
Equivalence classes of functions of finite markov chains Brian A. Wandell, J. Math. Psych., (1974) vol. 11, pp. 391-403.